Jahorina ekonomic forum

Welcome to the “Jahorina Economic Forum” – the leading regional event in the field of economics that has been bringing together top experts, decision-makers, and business leaders since 2016. Heads of state, ministers, representatives of state institutions from across the region, successful entrepreneurs from international and regional companies, distinguished scientists, media representatives, and cultural workers gather at a unique location. Through discussions, they arrive at relevant conclusions on how to improve public policies, the economy, and the quality of life for citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

The organizer of the Forum is the professional association “Economic Forum” from Banja Luka ā€“ Bosnia and Herzegovina, which holds the copyright to this event.

The “Jahorina Economic Forum” has evolved into a business-oriented gathering dedicated to analyzing and discussing the key economic challenges and opportunities shaping our region. Organized with the support of top institutions, the Forum stands out as a key generator of ideas and recommendations for improving economic policy. It is where visionaries and decision-makers come together to shape the collective future of the region.

Through dynamic and high-quality discussions and interaction among stakeholders from the public and private sectors, the Forum delivers conclusions that are essential for decision-makers. These conclusions not only provide insights into the current state of the regional economic climate but also offer key guidelines for improving policies that will further shape the future of our economies.

The forum typically hosts over 600 participants from 15 countries, generating more than 680 media posts.

Join us at the “Jahorina Economic Forum” as we build bridges between theory and practice, recommendations and commitments from the EU accession process, create innovative solutions, and shape a sustainable economic future. Your presence contributes to an important dialogue with far-reaching impacts on our shared economic perspective.

The Jahorina Economic Forum is where visionaries and decision-makers meet to shape the collective future of the region.

Thank you for being with us on the journey towards progress and sustainable development.