Violeta Jovanović
Violeta Jovanović, Director of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED), Serbia
Violeta Jovanović has been involved in local development and gender equality issues for over 25 years, through the design, advocacy, and implementation of development projects. She has been at the helm of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED) since its establishment in 2007, and also leads the association Etno Network, which focuses on preserving Serbia’s cultural heritage and empowering women economically. Through its reform efforts, this organization has emerged as an indispensable force in Serbia for identifying state and social priorities, articulating actions, and implementing them. Recognized as a desirable partner for the state, NALED successfully engages the business community, local governments, and civil society organizations to create a favorable business environment. As a successful model of public-private dialogue in the region and Europe, NALED brings together over 300 companies, local governments, and NGOs working together to improve living and working conditions in Serbia.
From digitalization and electronic systems for issuing construction permits to Serbia’s positioning on the World Bank’s Doing Business list, NALED covers an increasing number of segments and areas that connect Serbia regionally. Creative industries and cultural diplomacy hold a special place in this organization’s activities. NALED, along with the Etno Network and Bosnian Handicrafts Association, has launched a new project to support the development of cross-border tourism offerings – soon to be launched are the development of new joint products by women that reflect the shared cultural heritage of the region.