Dr. sci. Nasiha Pozder
Dr. sci. Nasiha Pozder is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Sarajevo and lead
urban planner at Institute for Architecture, Urbanism and Spatial Planning with twenty years of
international academic experience, as
well as extensive experience in urban planning and
architecture, with a special emphasis on sustainability and smart solutions. She held PhD since 2013.
in Technical sciences: Architecture and spatial planning, subfield sustainable urbanism and
integrated planning.
From April 2023. serves as a Minister of Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Previously, in
mandate 2018. – 2022. was a Member of the Parliament of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
and president of Committee for Physical Planning, Housing and Communal Policy, Ecology and
Tourism at the Parliament, president of Committee for Labor and Social Protection, as well as a
senior adviser on urban planning and development for Prime minister of Sarajevo Canton.
She worked as a consultant for UNDP and World Bank, consultant and lecturer for Friedrich
Neumann Foundation and West Minster Foundation, lecturer at Inalco institute at Sorbonne Paris,
TU Wien, TU Stutgart, ITU Istanbul, etc.
Author of dozens of scientific and professional articles, studies, key note speaker at a number of
international conferences and symposia, both in the region and in Europe and across the world.