Marko Radić
Marko Radić, a graduate economist specializing in marketing, shifted his knowledge and skills towards the promotion and development of tourism after his experience in the banking sector. Initially, he served as the director of the Tourist Organization of the City of Trebinje for over four years, during which significant improvements were made in the organization’s work and visibility through various activities that positioned Trebinje as a recognizable and sought-after tourist destination. This resulted in a significant increase in the number of accommodation units and overall demand for land, building permits, and investments in the tourism sector. At one point, the tourist organization was declared the best local tourist organization in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Subsequently, Marko Radić was promoted, and for the last three years, he has been leading the tourism promotion sector at the level of Republika Srpska through his work in the Tourist Organization of Republika Srpska. The results, in terms of the number of arrivals and overnight stays, have been consistently increasing, and Marko’s involvement in the tourism industry has not gone unnoticed. He is also active in international projects beneficial to the tourism sector through his expert engagements. Additionally, he is a member of the working group aiming to establish a higher level of cooperation in tourism between Republika Srpska and the Republic of Serbia, and he volunteers as the informal secretary of the Hospitality and Tourism Employers Association HoReCa RS.
He is married and a father of one child.